We're so happy to be back to business as usual in this wonderful new year. I love feeling that all things are possible. We’re so happy to let you know that our exciting PINK FRIDAY events will continue for yet another year! 2010 promises to be full of fun and exciting themes for your shopping pleasure. Won't you join us each Friday as Make Mine Pink presents "Shopping with a Twist?"
The first week of January greets me with mixed feelings. I enjoyed the time spent with family and friends, yet missed Make Mine Pink and all the hustle and bustle of activity.
I was happy to get the Christmas trimmings stored away, making room to proudly display the gifts so thoughtfully chosen for me, but with the new year, comes time to clean house externally as well as internally. With the new year, we make resolutions, determined for a fresh new start. We clear out the old plans and start working on new...making way for all of the wonder a new year can bring.
The Boutiques at Make Mine Pink are experiencing the same thing. We love our planned events, and our merchandise is gorgeous - but it is time for us to straighten up the shelves a bit, look at everything with new eyes, and a fresh outlook. So this week, we are celebrating this PINK Friday with a special “Making Way for the New” shopping event. Don’t be fooled by our fabulous sales and low prices. It’s still our usual beautiful and unique merchandise! We just need it to go to a new home so that we can stock our shelves with new and even more exciting merchandise for the new year.
Don’t miss this once a year event! Friday, January 8th at Make Mine Pink!
Joyce Lucas, Founder
Make Mine Pink